Vessel Profile
NIWA Vessel Management Ltd
301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Wellington 6021
New Zealand
Please contact NIWA Vessels as not in public domain
NZ EEZ predominantly. North and East into Pacific Basin, West Australia, Southern Ocean to Ross Sea Antarctica 77S
Length |
Breadth |
Draught |
Gross Tonnage |
Ice class |
DP |
Service speed |
Max No. Scientific Berths |
No. of EF+ Scientific Berths |
70m LOA |
13.8m |
7.0m |
2291 T |
1 C |
DP2 |
10.5 Knots |
25 |
25 |
Technical Detail
Wet and dry labs, Chem lab with fume hood, Freezers (-20, -80⁰C), temp controlled lab
Capacity for 3 x 20ft container labs
12 & 24 bottle SBE CTD, 6000m capability, Towed plankton nets and Plankton recorder
Kongsberg EM302 (7000m depth), EM2040 (500m), TOPAS 18 Sub Bottom Profiler
Simrad ES60, EK60 , 18,38,70,120 & 200kHz
RDI Ocean Surveyor ADCP (75 kHz)
Kongsberg HiPAP 500 USBL
Gravity and Piston Cores to 6m, Box corer, Multicorer, rock dredges, grabs. Max depth 10,000m
Trawl winches (4000m 28mm, 40T pull), Full fishing winch system (Gilson, Sweep, Outhaul, Codend)
Scientific winches;
Deep Ocean (10,000m, 16mm steel cable)
CTD (8000m, 10.5mm Rochester conducting cable)
Camera Winch (3000m, 10.5mm Rochester conducting cable)
V-SAT, Inmarsat FBB500, Iridium Openport
Multipurpose research vessel. The vessel has accommodated a variety of specialised equipment; ROV, AUV, CPT, Vibrocorer, benthic sleds, corers, cameras etc.
Offshore Engineering Support, Fisheries Stock Assessment, Exploratory Fishing Studies, Seabed Investigations, Environmental Protection Studies, High Resolution Seismic Acquisition and Antarctic Studies.
Deployment of Current and Wave Measuring Instruments
Vessel capable of pelagic and demersal trawling to 2200m, Fisheries acoustic surveys, Bathymetric and Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic surveys & Mooring deployments.
Coring limited to 6m core length.
Seismic Streamer – Geometrics GeoEel, 48 channel active
Section, length 600 metres.
Containerised Compressor – 185 cuft/min @ 2,000 psi
Can accommodate smaller work class ROV, 400kVA power supply. DP2, USBL, 10T A-Frame, Ships Crane midships
All vessel equipment and technician support will be made available to EurofleetsPlus Users on request.
Applicants should contact the vessel operator directly to verify which equipment is included with the Eurofleets+ funding, and discuss what the additional costs may be for other equipment requested.
Vessel availability by location and by year/time of year for Eurofleets+:
Year |
Location |
Availability by Month |
Ports of operation in the period of availability |
2020 |
Normal Operating Area around NZ EEZ |
variable |
Wellington, NZ |
2021 |
As above, Planned voyage to Ross Sea in Austral Summer |
variable |
Wellington, NZ |
2022 |
Normal Operating Area around NZ EEZ |
variable |
Wellington, NZ |
Contact Details
Applicants are welcomed to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application with the operator of RV Tangaroa at or
Medical certification required for joining the vessel and the list of acceptable certificates.
Maritime NZ Seafarers Medical Certificate
MCA seafarers medical (UK)
AMSA seafarers medical (Aust) or equivalent
STCW Certification accepted also (< 2 years)
Are additional medical checks required
NIWA (enhanced) Antarctic Medical required for Antarctic Voyages
Survival training certification required for joining vessel
List of acceptable equivalent certification:SCTW Personal survival techniques training
Additional certification required e.g. Ship security awareness / other
No certification for security is required just an awareness of what is considered normal security measures.
Diplomatic clearance required for area of operation
Yes for some Pacific regions
Additional clearances required for area or type of activity
Environmental Protection Act (EPA) application required for seabed sampling
NZ Biosecurity Act – permits required for landing of biological samples
Marine scientific activities that interact with the seabed, subsoil or marine life living on or in the seabed in the EEZ, and extended continental shelf or that places equipment in the water column of the EEZ, may require notification to the EPA as a permitted activity, at least 40 working days prior to the activity commencing. It is important NIWA are consulted on any application that involved Tangaroa. Please contact: and for biosecurity:
Any samples that are obtained may need MPI clearance. See
Any items that are intended to be dumped in the EEZ or extended continental shelf as part of marine scientific research may require a marine dumping consent from the EPA. Applying for a marine dumping consent requires at least 60 working days’ notice be given to the EPA.
If the vessel is to leave the EEZ you will be responsible for organising Customs clearance.
(NIWA are well versed in the procedures and processes and can facilitate the applications for permits etc)