Vessel Profile

Home port:
Piraeus Greece. Port of Registry : Chalkis Greece
Home port Coordinates:
Latitude: 37.94745 N Longitude: 23.63708 E
Organisation & Address:


46.7 km Athens-Sounio Avenue, 19013 Anavyssos, Greece

Vessel Web site address:
Link to Vessel Schedules:

Contact operator for vessel’s schedule.

Normal Area of Operation:

Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea

Max No of EF+ Days:
Vessel details:





Gross Tonnage

Ice class


Service speed

Max No. Scientific


No. of EF+ Scientific Berths







11 knots


18- 20

Technical Detail

Laboratory Facilities (fixed and temporary):

Chemistry lab, wet lab, dry lab, freezers (-20°), refrigerators

Capacity to carry 1x 20ft containerized labs

Underway T+S, Meteorological sensors

CTD/Plankton sampling:

CTD and Rosette sampler – 2 x SBE 911plus CTD with SBE 32 carousel (24 x 10 lt or 12 x 12 lt Niskin Bottles), 6000 m deployment capability. CTD equipped with temperature, salinity, pressure, dis. Oxygen, turbidity, fluorescence sensors.

Towed and lowered plankton nets (Including Multi-net)

Multi-Beam(s)/ Sub Bottom profiling:

2 Multibeam sonars (SEABEAM 2120 & 1180),

Side Scan Sonar, Combined Deep Tow Side Scan Sonar & Chirp subbottom Profiler

Pinger Sub Bottom Profiler

Airgun Seismic profiler (single channel seismic)

Various samplers for benthos and sediment coring

GPS Satellite heading 

Fisheries Echo Sounders/Sonar:

ROV use only

Coring/Sampling Capabilities:

Gravity core (3/5 m). Max deployment depth 4.500 m. Box Corer.


2 x 5 t Trawl winches (1 X 4500 m x 16 mm wire 1 X 2.500 X  22 mm), CTD winch 6000 m  X 6 mm wire, Hydrographic winch 6.000 m x 4mm


A3 SOLAS requirements, Mobile phone, Satellite Communications under development. (Reverting)

Special features:

Ship is equipped with 75 kHz RDI Ocean Surveyor hull-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)

Suitable for:

Multipurpose research vessel.  Suitable for carrying out a wide variety of scientific survey operations in offshore and deep-sea locations.  The vessel is adapted to accommodate a variety of Remotely Operated Vehicles.

Vessel capable of Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic surveys, Mooring deployments, Seismic surveys, ROV Surveys, Benthic surveys 

Scientific Limitations:

No Fisheries

Vessel capability to support ROV deployment:

Yes, capable, has deck space with 380 V power supply, Positioning is carried out manually by deck officers, USBL, Crane and A-Frame for Launch and recovery.

Support Offered to EurofleetsPlus Users:

All vessel equipment will be made available to EurofleetsPlus Users on request.  Technical support on vessel equipment will be available during the entire survey.

Vessel availability by location and by year/time of year for Eurofleets+:



Availability by Month

Ports of operation in the period of availability


Normal operating area as above

2-3 weeks from April to October. We need at least 6 months’ notice

Piraeus GR.


Normal operating area as above

2-3 weeks from April to October. We need at least 6 months’ notice

Piraeus GR.


Normal operating area as above

2-3 weeks from April to October. We need at least 6 months’ notice

Piraeus GR.

Contact Details

Applicants are welcomed to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application with the operator of RV AEGAEO at e-mail address: chandras@hcmr.gr

Medical certification required for joining the vessel and the list of acceptable certificates.

No certification required by scientists and/or technicians other than seamen

Are additional medical checks required

No medical check required for personnel other than seamen

Survival training certification required for joining vessel

List of acceptable equivalent certification:

None required. The participants are obliged to attend training on board

Additional certification required e.g. Ship security awareness / other

Insurance certification is required. 

Diplomatic clearance required for area of operation

For all research operations, diplomatic clearance required for the Greek EEZ and for neighbouring EEZs as applicable.

Additional clearances required for area or type of activity

  • Seismic operations require additional permits   

Other requirements for other jurisdictions to be addressed via Diplomatic clearance process.

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