Lead: CNR
Decision-makers and policy developers in European bodies and agencies will be engaged through WP5 and will be one of the stakeholder groups participating in the stakeholder workshops. In order to maintain the dialogue with them over the lifetime of the project, tailored e-newsletters will be disseminated to all relevant decision-makers and policy developers on a twice-yearly basis. Eurofleets + results will also be disseminated at relevant policy conferences including the annual European Maritime Day conference.
Working closely with WP 8 a summary for policymakers will be produced that highlights the project achievements and outlines recommendations and the roadmap for future needs and sustainability. The culmination will be the launch of this summary for policy makers at a final open conference, with a key session focused on decision- makers and policy developers, to be organized in Brussels. The aim of the event is to garner support for long- term support mechanisms and sustainability of the European Research fleet. Invitees will in particular include representatives from the European Commission DGs, members of the European Parliament and, as well as national funding and marine research support bodies.