M1-M48. This task will work closely with WP1 to coordinate the dissemination activities. The dissemination and communication plan presented at proposal stage will be further refined in the beginning of the project and updated periodically containing the description and goals of activities, targeted audiences, methods, timing, and expected outcomes and at the same time will give the guidelines for the internal project communication in relation to dissemination activities. Updated plans will be formally provided in the EC Periodic and Final reports. This will include a record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. This will include dissemination of access opportunities and of the resulting use of the research infrastructure, as well as measures to assess or improve the innovation potential of the infrastructure.
A report of completed and planned communication activities will also be included.
All WP leaders will provide inputs to be used in dissemination. All consortium members will promote the project among colleagues and networks. The project identity toolkit (graphical image, logos, lettering, and templates) from the Eurofleets and Eurofleets 2 projects will be retained, but refreshed, in order to ensure continuity of image. The task will support the dissemination activities in the project through a dynamic public project website (T9.2), e-newsletters, blogs written by onboard young scientists and technicians, social media (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, ResearchGate), webcasting, video (YouTube) and print (brochures, fact sheets, press release, policy briefs, photos and branding (e.g. pens, folders, writing pads). There will be ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the dissemination activities which will be summarised in impact reports.