WP8 – NA5: Foresight: Legacy and Roadmap

Task 8.1: Feasibility study toward a long-term TA system of Research Vessels
Task 8.2: Building Eurofleets legacy
Task 8.3: Eurofleets+ roadmap and guidelines

The aim of WP8 is to maintain, capitalise, and further optimise the legacy of Eurofleets, building on expertise, know-how and successes of previous Eurofleets projects, and incorporating Eurofleets+ new and more extensive actions. WP8 will provide long-term proposals to better coordinate and optimise the European research fleets. The general aim is to identify and agree on a long-term sustainable fleets coordination system, with a view to consolidating a strategic and coherent vision of the European Research Fleet and outlining the future research infrastructure developments within the ERA key priorities. It will also provide an operational and funding model of a sustainable, advanced and user-oriented TA system, by means of an alliance of coordinated organizations and research vessels, unique in the EU-Research Infrastructure landscape. WP8 will cover the main legacy items operating jointly with all WPs; this is particular relevant for WP3 for the development of technological and operational requirements for RVs and main equipment; WP5 for stakeholder dialogue on how project results would meet EU policies, research programmes and projects and generate scientific excellence; WP6 for training and educational aspects to attract scientific talent and to foster marine research careers and professions; WP7 for the management and exploitation of projects results; and WP9 for the dissemination of the progress within this WP towards the relevant stakeholders.


Specific objectives of WP8 can be grouped as follows:
Objective 1: to propose a business plan for a long-term sustainable TA system of research vessels and to identity pilot groups of TA system;
Objective 2: to fine-tune an integrated system for the coherent, long-term, sustained maintenance and update of outcomes of NA, TA and JRA activities from the Eurofleets projects and to provide an operational proposal toward a sustainable coordination platform of European research fleets;
Objective 3: to provide a strategic roadmap and guidelines for the sustainability of the Eurofleets+ platform beyond the project lifetime.


D8.1: SWOT analysis report [CNR]. M16
D8.2: Report on feasibility study for implementation of a transnational access system, including business plan [CNR]. M36
D8.3: Report on transnational access pilot groups [CNR]. M48
D8.4: First report on Eurofleets+ legacy [IFREMER]. M24
D8.5: Scenarios for a permanent fleets coordination platform [M48]. IFREMER
D8.6: Eurofleets+ roadmap and guidelines [CNR]. M48

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