T6.1 Eurofleets+ Floating Universities |
Task 6.2 Training and Education through Access and Exchange |
Task 6.3 Blue Skills Labs and Workshops |
T6.4 Remote Access, E-learning and Ocean Literacy |
Lead: University of Bremen, OGS
6.3.1 Blue Skills Labs
During the past ten years new technologies have remarkably extended the scope of marine research and now offer exciting novel perspectives for pioneering research. Unmanned underwater vehicles have reached a high degree of reliability and they develop towards standard equipment on modern research vessels. However, the technical complexity of the systems and their integrated scientific payload is a challenge for both the operational team and the scientists. This is addressed through proposed dedicated training courses to enable the next generation of marine researchers to fully utilize the possibilities offered by this kind of scientific instrumentation onboard European research vessels. Applications for the Blue Skills Labs will be evaluated on the basis of the scientific/technical career of the applicant and coherency between their studies and the topics in the Labs. Priority will be given to participation of people from less equipped countries and to women scientists. ROV Lab at University of Bremen (c/o MARUM): Deliver two onshore training courses focusing on the special requirements of scientific ROV operations at sea. Topics to include cruise preparation, mobilization and operation at sea. In class workshops will be used as well as practice on different manipulators and training missions in the ROV simulator and test tank with ROV MARUM-Squid (a powerful, light Work-Class ROV for operations down to 2000-meter water depth). Robotics Lab at UGOT: Deliver two workshops on AUV and Sea-Glider operation at the Robotics Lab workshop of Gothenburg University (UGOT) in collaboration with the Swedish Marine Robotics Centre (SMaRC) including participation of industry (Marine Mätteknik, MMT). Course elements include technical preparation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, mission planning preparation, integration of scientific payload, data acquisition and post-processing of various types of sensors with emphasize on hydroacoustic sensors (multibeam, sediment profiling, ADCP). Theoretical course elements will be applied practically in a one-day boat trip in the Baltic Sea. Seismics Lab at OGS: Deliver two 3-day workshops in Seislab at OGS about scientific and technological aspects of seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation. Telepresence Lab: [M36]: A 2.4m VSAT telepresence system, supported by specialist personnel, will be mobilised and shipped from the US and installed as part of Eurofleets+ SEA programme on-board a Eurofleets+ vessel. The telepresence system will facilitate real-time, two-way communication in high definition video and data streams, thereby enabling access to experts in remote locations and allowing the public to observe the ocean in real time. This pilot presents a valuable opportunity for knowledge exchange by developing specialist training for up to ten research vessel technicians based on the installation and operation of this system and its integration with ROV technology. The training represents a cost-effective step to increase telepresence capacity and capability on European research vessel infrastructure, transfer key technical knowledge to the next generation of RV technicians and ultimately facilitate remote access.
6.3.2 Blue Skills Workshops [TUT, RBINS and HCMR] Eurofleets+ TA Proposal Development.
Workshops to support scientists and emerging researchers in developing Eurofleets+ TA proposals linked to international events in order to promote and facilitate participation. Workshops will also be broadcast live as “webinars” and archived on the Classrooms portal for future access. Training will be provided on FAIR data management in the context of Open Research Data and Open Science. Scientists will be trained to prepare a data management plan based on EARS requirement. Research Infrastructure Management Workshop
This Research Infrastructure (RI) workshop will be delivered to marine science related staff by a pool of highly experienced RV managers from Eurofleets+ partner institutes and will aim to provide the skills and competencies required to successfully manage research vessel infrastructure and fulfil the logistical requirements of scientific operators. Workshops will also be partially broadcast live as webinars which will widen the scope of the training for greater impact globally. A session will be devoted to the installation and use of the Eurofleets data management suite (EARS).