T3.1.2 Reviewing and upgrading the suite of shipboard software components

T3.1.1 Reviewing and upgrading the design and functionality of the EVIOR portal
T3.1.2 Reviewing and upgrading the suite of shipboard software components
T3.1.3 Outfitting the Eurofleets+ fleet
T3.1.4: Developing a “virtual playground” as part of the EVIOR portal
T3.1.5: Optimizing solutions for telepresence and real-time data transfer (e-access)
T3.1.6 Processing of en route data from research vessels

Lead: CSIC

This task concerns the ship board system will later be installed at many vessels for gathering data during cruises and transferring these to the EVIOR portal. The shipboard data management system will be upgraded from the present prototype (TRL 4-5) into a complete and qualified system (minimum TRL 7) that can be deployed on a large number of research vessels in different configurations for gathering and transmitting manual and automatic metadata and data during cruises.

Step 1: review the present system and develop specifications for required improvements and additions (M1 – M8).

Step 2: upgrade and test the individual system components (M6 – M16).

Step 3: test and fine-tune the full integrated system in simulation (M17 – M18)

Step 4: test and fine-tune the full integrated system in field trials on 5 vessels operated by developers (CSIC, IFREMER, and RBINS. See RVs in T3.1.3. (M19 – M21)

Step 5: finalise the software, documenting and drafting installation & configuration guidelines for the integrated shipboard system (M18 – M24).

Step 6: establish an IPR arrangement for the wider distribution of the Eurofleets+ shipboard data management system, working closely with WP7 (M20 – M24).

Step 1 will be led by CSIC with contributions from all WP3 participants. It will review shortcomings as reported from the preceding Eurofleets2 trials; adding new functionality, for example for reporting a full Cruise Summary Report after a cruise and reporting underway Common Data Index (CDI) records and ODV data files; improving the GUIs for interactions with users (crew and scientists on board); expand the range of Sensor ML and O&M profiles for other shipboard data acquisition equipment such as ADCPs, multi beam, seismic sensors, CTDs, and others; including automatic real-time data quality control; securing the Web Services (authentication and authorization); improving functional integration of components; improving the communication and exchange with the EVIOR portal and its services; and analysing different configurations, considering situation at different research vessels. (Each research vessel has a different local configuration, uses other instruments, and thus requires adaptations and flexibility from the EF+ ship board system).

The shipboard suite consists of 4 major components, that will be upgraded each by their original developers:

  • EARS (Eurofleets Automatic Reporting System) by RBINS;
  • Data Acquisition System by IFREMER;
  • En-route Ship Summary Report (SSR) system by CSIC, with contributions from IFREMER;
  • Web Services by CSIC with contributions from IFREMER
    There will be follow-up activities from the step 1 review and in the following steps of tests and documentation that will involve other project partners in order to arrive to a robust and well documented suite of software and services that can be more easily installed and configured as the existing suite
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