T1.3 Data management

T1.1 Eurofleets+ kickoff meeting
T1.2 Project management
T1.3 Data management
T1.4 Launch Eurofleets+ project
T1.5. Project leadership and monitoring
T1.6. Project Reporting


M1-M48. Establish a project data management plan to organise the efficient curation, preservation and provision of access to data collected or produced under Eurofleets+. The data management plan will include information on: the handling of research data during and after the end of the project; what data will be collected, processed and/or generated; which methodology and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared/made open access and; how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project). Coordinate data management across all Eurofleets+ activities to ensure that the research data is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), and that it is soundly managed. Researchers applying for access to research vessels and associated infrastructure will be required to provide an outline data management plan based on FAIR principles, and this will form part of the evaluation criteria (WP4-Call Management and Evaluation). Research data generated during the subsequent cruises, and through use of associated infrastructure, will be managed according to the approved data management plan. Virtual access to data arising in funded cruises will be enabled through collaboration with WP9, and with prior permission of user groups and owners of the data. Research data generated within the joint research activities (WP3) will follow the data management plan. Establish relations with publishers for supporting data and sample deposition services (working closely with WP9). Alignment with the data management plan will be actively monitored during the project, and the plan will be updated during the project where needed [Lead partner RBINS].

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