Short Name: TUBITAK | ![]() |
Country: Turkey |
Turkiye Bilimsel Ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu is the Tubitak Marmara Research Center. The Marmara Research Center (MRC), established in 1972, is the largest research organization under TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). The Center consists of seven institutes including the Environment and Cleaner Production Institute (ECPI). ECPI with a total of 123 personnel and is composed of five research disciplines, one of which is the Marine and Inland Waters Research Group (MIWRG). As of 2015, the number of projects carried out by ECPI has exceeded over 40 with the total project budget of about $25 million. MIWRG is composed of marine scientists, engineers, IT personnel, RV crew members, and technicians (46 in total), involved primarily in coastal and marine research and management projects supported either by competitive funding or by direct contracts from governmental institutions. Expertise areas of MIWRG staff are physical, chemical and biological oceanography, sediment geochemistry, GIS, planning and engineering applications. The group focuses on applied research to meet the requirements imposed by environmental policies and to support decision making mechanisms. Monitoring, assessing, and management of coastal and marine waters in relation to pressures and towards the implementation of ecosystem-based understanding of our seas are the key study areas of the group. Both maritime and land-based human activities are dealt with the context of pollution, eutrophication, and biodiversity loss in coastal and marine areas.
TUBITAK are involved in WP2 Transnational Access.
Access to Research Vessels and related infrastructure: RV TUBITAK Marmara [Regional].
TUBITAK will participate in the project in the capacity of a RV operating institution with the expected scientific contribution to achieve relevant targets of the project. Therefore, TUBITAK will actively participate in providing access to a Regional RV through calls for ship time etc.. TUBITAK’s contribution to the project will stem from extensive oceanographic and technical on-board experience gained through national and international field study programmes. TUBITAK’s contribution will be complemented by research staff who for over a decade have been involved in academic, observational, instrumentation, teaching, training, and policy support aspects of marine research.
TUBITAK will also undertake activities in WP5 Stakeholder engagement.
Modality of access: The vessel is ready with existing technical capability & merits for Marine Monitoring Projects. Onboard equipment is supported with all spares & optional lab equipment those may be mobilised before the project start.
Outreach to new users: Project TNA announcements will be made via Tubitak’s broad scientific network
Relevant Publications
Wind and thermodynamic profiler observations of a late-mature gust front. Article in Journal of Earth System Science 123(1) · January 2014. Haldun Karan.
Cluster Analysis of the Trajectories for Forecasted Transport of Air Pollutants using WRF and HYSPLIT Models over Istanbul for January and July, 2009. Poster EGU· April 2012. M. Acar. F. Caglar. Ceren Bali. Yurdanur Unal.