Short Name: IEO | ![]() |
Country: Spain |
Instituto Espanol De Oceanografia (IEO) is an institution under the Spanish system of Science and Technology, dedicated exclusively to multidisciplinary marine research since 1914. Research and counsel encompass marine biology, physical, chemical and geological oceanography, pollution of the marine environment and fishing aspects, as well as research and experience in aquaculture.
IEO has nine coastal oceanographic centres and operates six oceanographic vessels. Since 1945 the IEO operates a tide gauge network and since 1992, it maintains a monitoring program, carrying out cruises along the peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands coasts. In 2007 has deployed a permanent buoy in the Gulf of Biscay. There are approximately 550 staff members from whom more than 60% are scientists or technicians.
The IEO maintains an Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) which was established in 1968, and is responsible for the compilation, storage and distribution of the data produced by the different research areas of the Institute. It acts as the Spanish representative at the international data exchange and operates within the network of national oceanographic databases established by the IOC.
IEO represents Spain at the international bodies as IOC, JCOMM, ICES, etc.
IEO are involved in WP2 Transnational Access.
Access to Research Vessels and related infrastructure: RV R. Margalef [Regional] and RV A. Alvarino [Regional].
IEO will undertake activities in WP1 Project Management, and WP5 Stakeholder Engagement.
Modality of access: Since one of IEO’s two vessels mainly operates in the Gulf of Biscay and the other in the Mediterranean, the regional vessel selected will be the one operating in the area where the survey is going to take place.
Relevant Publications
Analysis of biochemical time series data from RADMED monitoring program at IEO. Poster. October 2017. Mcarmen Garcia-Martinez, Manuel Vargas-Yanez, … Elena Tel, …Rosa Balbin.
Does upwelling intensity influence feeding habits and trophic position of planktivorous fish? Article. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2017.01.017. February 2017. Lucia Lopez-Lopez, Izaskun Preciado, …Elena Tel.
IEOOS: the Spanish Institute of Oceanography Observing System. Article in Ocean Science 12(2):345- 353 · March 2016. Elena Tel, Rosa Balbin, Jose M. Cabanas, Pedro Velez-Belchi.