Short Name: NIOZ | ![]() |
Country: The Netherlands |
Stichting Nioz, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Voor Onderzoek Der Zee (NIOZ) is the institute in the Netherlands where most of the seagoing research is concentrated. NMF, the National Marine Research Facilities is the Netherlands is housed at NIOZ. NMF manages the research vessels, RV Pelagia and RV Navicula.
NMF maintains a range of facilities and services, including research vessels and equipment, for the seagoing marine science and maritime community in the Netherlands. NMF provides researchers working in the Netherlands with ships, seagoing equipment, data management and qualified personnel to operate these facilities.
NMF consists of four of sub-divisions:
NMF Office-Fleet manages the ships, makes the ship’s planning and organises all aspects of the research cruises.
NMF Support is responsible for logistics support, technical support during cruises and for maintenance and repairs of equipment.
NMF Development develops and builds specialised equipment for marine research, both seagoing and land-based. We build to order for scientists working at NIOZ as well as for external customers.
NMF Data Management is responsible for on-board data acquisition, quality control on data collected on board and for the distribution of data to the scientists and to international data centres such as the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC).
NIOZ are involved in WP2 Transnational Access.
Access to Research Vessels and related infrastructure: RV Pelagia [Global/Ocean].
NIOZ will also undertake activities in WP1 Project Management, WP3 Joint Research Activities, WP5
Stakeholder engagement, and WP8 Foresight: Legacy and Roadmap.
Modality of access: Successful proposals will be integrated into Pelagia’s annual planning process via our Marine Facilities Planning Software This is a web-based application, project management and planning system that allows users to file an application. Via the MFP software we manage the entire process from application to post-cruise reporting, with steps such as a request for diplomatic clearance, checks on availability of requested equipment, cruise planning meetings and incorporation into the vessel’s schedule.
Support offered: All equipment available in the National Marine Equipment pool of the Netherlands will be available for scientific use.
Outreach to new users: The call is likely to attract users from science groups outside the standard oceanographic research groups, similar to the Caribbean programme we are currently carrying out that attracted, 43 proposals from a large variety of research areas, even if it was announced only 3 months before the actual start.