Short Name: CORONIS | ![]() |
Country: Spain |
Coronis Computing SL is a spin-off company of the Computer Vision and Robotics group of the University of Girona (Spain). The company carries out research, development and technology transfer activities in the field of computer vision and machine learning. Its primary fields of application are the following:
Industry. Techniques developed by the company allow highly automated manufacturing processes increasing the production speed, reliability, and reducing associated costs.
Underwater Imaging, 3D reconstruction and mapping. Coronis is a world leader company in 2D and 3D mapping of visual and acoustic data, as well as 3D object reconstruction.
Medical Imaging. The company is actively involved in collaborations with medical centers, aiming to develop novel techniques for improved acquisition, processing and interpretation of medical data using various imaging modalities (MRI, X-ray, optical, etc.)
Media surveillance. During the last years, the company has focused on the development of novel technologies with application to image understanding and semantic video classification. Automated video classification and real-time analysis of surveillance videos has been implemented in R&D projects and applied into end-user products.
Coronis is already developing techniques for online 3D bathymetric visualization on the EMODNET EU-Funded Project and machine learning techniques to detect manganese nodules on the ROBUST H2020 project.
Coronis will undertake activities in WP3 Joint Research Activities and WP7 Innovation Management and Exploitation.
Participation in the Joint Research Activities to explore new fundamental technologies to make ocean exploration and data processing more efficient and complementary to the participating research infrastructures. Specifically, Coronis may contribute in the development of techniques for online 3D terrain model for intelligent AUV exploration and on the development of machine learning techniques for seafloor recognition.
Relevant Publications
R. Campos, R. Garcia. Surface Meshing of Underwater Maps from Highly Defective Point Sets. Journal of Field Robotics, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21758
J.D. Hernández, K. Istenič, N. Gracias, N. Palomeras, R. Campos, E. Vidal, R. Garcia, M. Carreras, “Autonomous Underwater Navigation and Optical Mapping in Unknown Natural Environments”. Sensors, no. 8:1174. 2016. doi:10.3390/s16081174
R. Campos, R. Garcia, P. Alliez, M. Yvinec. “A Surface Reconstruction Method for In-Detail Underwater 3D Optical Mapping”. The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 34 no. 1 64-89, January 2015. eISSN: 1741-3176, ISSN: 0278-3649. DOI: 10.1177/0278364914546536
A Mallios, E Vidal, R Campos, M Carreras. “Underwater caves sonar data set”. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2017.
J. Escartín, C. Mével, S. Petersen, D. Bonnemains, M. Cannat, M. Andreani, N. Augustin, A. Bezos, V. Chavagnac, Y. Choi, M. Godard, K. Haaga, C. Hamelin, B. Ildefonse, J. Jamieson, B. John, T. Leleu, C. J. MacLeod, M. Massot-Campos, P. Nomikou, J. A. Olive, M. Paquet, C. Rommevaux, M. Rothenbeck, A. Steinfuhrer, M. Tominaga, L. Triebe, R. Campos, N. Gracias, R. Garcia. Tectonic structure, evolution, and the nature of oceanic core complexes and their detachment fault zones (13°20’N and 13°30; N, Mid Atlantic Ridge) Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, 1451–1482, 2007.
Juan David Hernández, Klemen Istenič, Nuno Gracias, Narcís Palomeras, Ricard Campos, Eduard Vidal, Rafael García, Marc Carreras. Autonomous Underwater Navigation and Optical Mapping in Unknown Natural Environments. Sensors 16.8 (2016) p. 1174. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016
Josep Bosch, Nuno Gracias, Pere Ridao, Klemen Istenič, David Ribas. Close-Range Tracking of Underwater Vehicles Using Light Beacons. Sensors 16.4 (2016) p. 429. 2016