EUROFLEETS2 Funded Project “ORCA” Results
Oceanic Response, Controls and Attribution: West Greenland fjordcirculation and accelerating glacier discharge Project Acronym &Title: Oceanic Response, Controls andAttribution (ORCA): West Greenland fjord circulation andaccelerating glacier discharge Area: Uummannaq, West Greenland Research Vessel: RV Sanna, Greenland Institute of NaturalResources Chief scientist:Laura de Steur (NIOZ, NL), Jonathan Nash andEmily Shroyer (OSU, USA), Dave Sutherland (UO, USA) Date: 5 July 26-August 13, 2014 (
Infographic: What the Polar Code Means for Ship Safety
The International Maritime Organization has adopted the landmark “Polar Code”, the first mandatory blanket legislation for the improved safety of ships operating in the world’s polar regions. The new Code specifically addresses potential hazards unique to arctic and antarctic environments, such as ice, remoteness and rapidly changing and severe weather conditions. But what exactly does the new Polar Code mean for ship safety? This infographic explains it: The Polar Code will be mandatory under b
EUROFLEETS2 Funded Project “PREPARED” Results
Present and past flow regime on contourite drifts west of Spitsbergen: Preliminary results from the EUROFLEETS2 PREPARED cruise (RV G.O. Sars, expedition 191) Project Acronym: PREPAREDArea: Norwegian Sea to west of SvalbardResearch Vessel: RV G. O. Sars, IMR and UiB, BergenChief scientist: R.G. Lucchi and V. Kovacevic, OGS (Istituto di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Sgonico (TS), ItalyOther project partners: University of Gothenburg (UNIGOT), Sweeden Institute of Oceanology Polis
EUROFLEETS2 4 Public Deliverables – Now available!
EUROFLEETS Public Deliverables available for consultation here D3.1 – Status and foreseeable evolution of the European and International Polar Research Fleets & Equipment This deliverable contains an overview of the available technical information and the on board equipment for the Polar Research Vessels (heavy icebreakers and ice classified vessels) operating at both Poles (Arctic and Antarctic) on an international level. It also discusses how these vessels can be accessed by scientists and
EUROFLEETS2 Funded Project “PolarPlastics” Results
Microplastic pollution in the Arctic Project Acronym: PolarPlastics Area: Tromsø to west of Svalbard Research Vessel: RV G. O. Sars, IMR and UiB, Bergen Chief scientist: Amy Lusher, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Other project partners: OGS, Trieste, Italy Date: 5 th -15 th June 2014 RV G. O. Sars ©Ardo Robijn PolarPlastics and PREPARED Cruise Teams ©Renata Lucchi Cruise Map ©Amy Lusher Amy Lusher ©Renata Lucchi Amy Lusher, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland “I applied to Euroflee
EUROFLEETS2 “Embarked Equipment 2013” Call Results
The EUROFLEETS2 Consortium is pleased to announce that within the EUROFLEETS2 Project, 1 project (corresponding to a 100% “success rate”) will get access to 12 days of use of equipment fully funded by the EC. For more information on the “Embarked Equipment 2013” call results and the abstracts of the funded projects please see.
EUROFLEETS2 “Super-integration 2013” Call Results
The EUROFLEETS2 Consortium is pleased to announce that within the EUROFLEETS2 Project 1 project upon 4 eligible received proposals (corresponding to a 25% “success rate”) will get access to 28 days at sea fully funded by the EC. For more information on the “Super-integration 2013” ship-time 2013 call results and the abstracts of the funded projects please see.
“Regional 3” Call 2014
NOW OPEN Applications are now being invited for funding for ship-time on the “Regional 3” Call with any of the following research vessels and/or marine equipment to carry out ship-based research activities within any field of marine science. This call makes available a total of 12 RVs operating on the regions: Indian Ocean, SW Atlantic, SW Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay – SW Iberian Margin, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Red Sea. Small research projects involving 1 or 2 berths in EUROFLEETS2 cruise
Euro-Argo ERIC, a new European research infrastructure for global ocean observations
©Ifremer-O. Dugornay Euro-Argo is the European contribution to the international Argo array of 3,000 profiling floats measuring temperature and salinity from the surface down to 2,000 m throughout the global oceans. This is the first time a European legal entity (European Research Infrastructure Consortium, ERIC) has been established for in-situ observation of the global oceans. This is a major milestone which will optimize, sustain and improve the European contributions to Argo. Euro-Argo was o
EUROFLEETS was present at the “Arctic Table”
EUROFLEETS2 was present in an event hosted by the Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy on the 14 of April 2014, where Michele Rebesco, OGS representative, made a presentation that aimed at the promotion of EUROFLEETS2 activities and in particular: funded PREPARED cruise; activity within NA2 – “Flagship initiative for polar access” (in general and by OGS in particular regarding D3.3); activity of OGS Explora and proposals for polar cruises. Also in this conference EUROFLEETS Booklets