05/03/2019 - 07/03/2019
Marine Institute, Oranmore, Galway
New Beneficiaries Presentations
Parallel Meetings
Work Package Leaders Presentation
EuroFleets+KO Finance 07Mar19 (8.2 MiB)
The EurofleetsPlus Kick-Off Meeting will be held in the Marine Institute Headquarters in Galway, Ireland from 5th – 7th March 2019.
Day One of the Meeting is for Executive Committee/Project Management members, WP9 and WP3 and WP4 participants, and invitees only.
The Ice-Breaker Event on the evening of the 5th March is open to all participants as are Day 2 and 3 (6th and 7th March).
A Gala Dinner will be held on the evening of the 6th March in Galway city centre.
Excom Agenda (418 KiB)
Parallel Session - WP8 - Agenda (48 KiB)
EF+ WP6 Agenda Parallel Session (418 KiB)
Logistical Information EurofleetsPlus (554 KiB)
EurofleetsPlus Kick Off Meeting 5-7 March 2019 Final (62 KiB)