University Bremen – MARUM, Germany,

November 22nd-24th 2022

The EurofleetsPlus “ROV Lab”

Scientific ROV Teams do not only need a solid technological background and detailed understanding of their system, but also need to handle the special requirements of scientific ROV operations and requests of the scientific community. Scientific ROV operations differ decisively from those in the oil and gas industry in terms of cruise/dive planning, payload integration, post dive procedures to name but a few. The EurofleetsPlus ROV Lab will address the specific demands of scientific ROV diving in several class workshops and hands on practice which are usually not covered by offshore ROV training courses.

Workshop overview

The ROV Lab workshop is organized within the scope of the EurofleetsPlus training program and will be held at MARUM – Center for Environmental Sciences, University Bremen, Germany. The three days workshop (22nd-24th of November 2019) is offered to European research-ROV Pilots/Technicians with no or basic experience and knowledge of ROV operations and technology.

The workshop will cover topics such as dive preparation or mobilization in class courses as well as manipulator exercises and training dives in the ROV QUEST Simulator and in the outside test-pool with the ROV MARUM Squid.

Learning objectives

Course participants will get a comprehensive overview of

  • Cruise preparation
  • Mobilization
  • Operation at sea

in class workshops and practical exercise with 

  • Manipulator (Orion7P)
  • ROV QUEST dive in the simulator
  • ROV SQUID dive in the test-pool

Time plan


Course unit


Nov 22nd

Class workshop I

Mobilization, setup & telemetry


Manipulation I

Practice with the Orion7P (Simulator)


Class Workshop II

Cruise preparation

Nov 23rd

Manipulation II

Practice with the Orion7P (Teststand)


Training Mission I

Training in the ROV QUEST (Simulator)


Class workshop III

Operation at sea

Nov 24th

Training Mission II

Training dive with ROV Squid (Pool)



Nicolas Nowald

Volker Ratmeyer

A total of 8 positions are available. A minimum number of 4 participants is required for the course to take place. The workshop is dedicated to ROV Pilots or upcoming ROV technicians from any European research institute, operating a scientific ROV of any size class.

Costs and travel grants

The course is free of charge, but participants need to pay for their own travel expenses including accommodation and food. The lunch break will take place in the Mensa of the University of Bremen. Hotel single rooms in the proximity of the University of Bremen are offered between 80€-100€ per day.  Partial travel reimbursement up to a maximum of 400€ is available after application.


Online application forms are available here: https://www.eurofleets.eu/applications/

Applications must be received by the 28th of October 2022

Successful applicants will be notified by 2nd of November 2022

At the end of the course a certificate of completion will be delivered to all participants. This will include information about the workshop´s topics and training lessons.


Dr. Nicolas Nowald

MARUM – University Bremen

Leobener Strasse 8

28359 Bremen


e-mail: nnowald@marum.de

phone: +49-421-218-65612

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