The EUROFLEETS+ Scientific Liaison Panel (SLP) established by the EUROFLEETS+ Consortium consists of international experts covering all fields of marine science.
All reasonable measures are taken to ensure Objectivity, Transparency, Equality of Treatment, Impartiality, Quality and Confidentiality.
The membership of the EUROFLEETS+ Scientific Liaison Panel is personal and public.
Members of the EUROFLEETS+ Scientific Liaison Panel:
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Louise Allcock National University of Ireland, Galway Scientific interests: Evolution, systematics, biodiversity, deep-sea, Antarctica, cephalopods, octocorals (including sea pens) Biography: Louise Allcock is Head of Zoology at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and leads the Centre for Ocean Research and Exploration in the University’s Ryan Institute. Louise has led numerous expeditions aboard Irish National research vessels studying both the shelf and the diverse canyon habitats on Ireland’s continental margin. |
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Martina Busetti National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Italy Scientific interests: marine geologist/geophysicist, interpretation of seismic data for the reconstruction of the geological evolution (tectonic and paleoenvironment) of the continental margins Biography: Since 1991 Martina Busetti is a researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (Trieste, Italy). She participated at several national and international marine geological/geophysical research cruises in the Mediterranean and Antarctic seas. |
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Ned Dwyer Randbee Consultants, Lisbon, Portugal Scientific interests: Applications of satellite remote sensing, GIS, data management, ocean literacy, coastal and marine spatial planning, stakeholder engagement Biography: Ned has a PhD in satellite remote sensing and following experience at the European Space Agency and EC Joint Research Centre, he worked for 12 years at the Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland Centre at University College Cork, Ireland. From 2015 to 2018, he was the Executive-Director of EurOcean, the European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology in Lisbon, Portugal. He is now a consultant at the SME Randbee working on a range of projects using satellite and in-situ data to improve understanding of our environment. |
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Matthias Forwick UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, Department of Geosciences Scientific interests: Marine geosciences, glaciated continental margins, fjords, sedimentary processes, ice-sheet dynamics, slope failure, swath bathymetry, high-resolution seismics, sediment cores Biography: Matthias Forwick is professor in marine geology and Head of Department at the Department of Geosciences at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. His scientific work focuses on the reconstruction of palaeo-environmental conditions at high northern and southern latitudes investigating sedimentary processes based on the integration of acoustic data and multi-proxy analyses of sediment cores. |
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Urmas Lips Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Marine Systems, Estonia Scientific interests: Physical oceanography, mesoscale and submesoscale processes, development of stratification, impact of physical processes on oxygen, nutrients and phytoplankton, high-frequency autonomous observations Biography: Born in 1960 in Estonia, PhD in 1988, Professor since 2007, Head of Unit of Physical Oceanography. Long experience in working at sea, including as Chief Scientist. Involved in HELCOM, EuroGOOS, Baltic Earth. |
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Carlotta Mazzoldi Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy Scientific interests: Teleost and Elasmobranch fish, fishery, management and conservation, life history traits, behavioural ecology, sexual selection, reproduction Biography: Since 2015, Carlotta Mazzoldi is Associate Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova. She holds a PhD in Evolutionary Biology |
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Caterina Morigi University of Pisa, Italy Scientific interests: Marine geology, micropaleontology, palaeoceanography, paleoecology, and paleoclimatology. Specific interest in extreme environments, paleoecology, and biostratigraphy, of planktonic and benthic foraminifera. Biography: Since 2013, Caterina Morigi is Associate Professor at the Earth Sciences Department, University of Pisa (Italy), and is additionally affiliated at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS, Denmark). Before she worked at the Stratigraphy Department (GEUS, Denmark) and Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy). She holds a PhD from Bologna University. She is member of PalaeoArc network. |
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Chiara Papetti Biology Department, University of Padova, Italy Scientific interests: Molecular ecology, population genetics and genomics, phylogeogaphy, marine organisms, Antarctic fish, population connectivity, evolutionary and ecological responses to climate change Biography: Since 2019, Chiara Papetti has been an Associate Professor in Ecology at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova (Italy). Her main research interests are the evolution of marine organisms and their conservation. She collaborates with several international scientists to study the molecular ecology of Antarctic fish. Chiara and her team are studying aspects of interspecific differentiation and hybridization in Antarctic fish and their population genetics patterns also in the light of documented environmental changes. |
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Luis Menezes Pinheiro University of Aveiro, Portugal Scientific interests: Marine Geology and Geophysics. Lithospheric structure and evolution of continental passive margins. Mud volcanism, hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage and Gas Hydrates. Seismic Oceanography. Biography: Associate Professor, Geosciences Department, and Researcher of the Associate Laboratory for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro. Phd in Marine Geophysics, Imperial College, London. Participated in a large number of national and international projects and scientific cruises, often as chef/co-chief scientist. |
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Gilles Reverdin CNRS Directeur de recherche, LOCEAN (Sorbonne Université), France Scientific interests: The ocean circulation, the earth water cycle, ocean salinity, the upper ocean (physical and geochemical), long time series of ocean variability, instrumental development, recent climate variability, ocean data validation Biography: Ocean research scientist for 40 years, mostly in France (CNRS), but for 5 years at LDEO (Columbia Univ., New York, USA) with more than one year on research cruises mostly on upper ocean physics and biogeochemistry . Involved in ocean observing networks since 1981, and recently coordinating French observing systems. Has been in charge for the last 25 years of surface and chemical monitoring from merchant vessels in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. |
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Holly Alice Shiels Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, UK Scientific interests: Cardiac Physiology, Environmental Physiology, metabolic responses to temperature and hypoxia in fishes and sharks, pelagic and intertidal Biography: Holly did her undergraduate and post graduate degrees in Canada working on fish heart function and temperature. She brought a Canadian postdoctoral fellowship to the University of Leeds, UK where she studied cellular cardiac function in fishes before gaining a lectureship at the University of Manchester. Her research lab in Manchester studies cardiac physiology in ectotherms and the mechanisms which maintain or adjust heart function in a changing environment. They apply this knowledge to cardiac health and disease and in predicting how organisms, populations, ecosystems and natural resources respond to environmental change and stressors. |
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Silvia Spezzaferri University of Fribourg, Department of Geosciences, Fribourg, Switzerland Scientific interests: Micropaleontology, application of micro-organisms, in paleo/oceanography and biomonitoring, cold water coral ecosystems, marine geology, sedimentology, geochemistry. Biography: Silvia Spezzaferri leads the Micropaleontology research group at the Department of Geosciences in Fribourg since 2002. Before joining her present institution she has worked at the University of Milano, ETH-Zurich and University of Vienna. She has participated to several national and international oceanographic cruises in cold and tropical environments, including two ODP cruises, and one Eurofleets cruise as chief scientist. |
Toste Tanhua GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany Scientific interests: Chemical Oceanography, transient tracers, carbon cycle, ocean observing, repeat hydrography Biography: Since 2003 Toste Tanhua is a researcher at GEOMAR in Kiel after a post-doc at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, and a PhD at Göteborg University. He has participated on 35 seagoing expeditions all over the world. Toste is co-chair of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). |
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Paul Tyler Emeritus Professor University of Southampton, UK Scientific interests: Deep-sea biology; canyons, vents and seeps, cold-water corals, reproductive biology, submersibles and ROVs Biography: BSc 1972; PhD 1976; DSc 1994. Professor of Deep-sea biology University of Southampton based at National Oceanography Centre, Southampton 1994 to 2014. Emeritus 2014 to present. 60 cruises, 8 as Chief Scientist; 80 submersible dives; 220 publications. Co-author of Deep-sea Biology-a natural history of organisms of the deep-sea floor and editor of Ecosystems of the World vol 28 The Deep Sea. Principal Investigator of Census of Marine Life Field Programme ChEss and PI on ChEsSo (Chemosynthetic ecosystems in the Southern Ocean) that found the first vents in the Southern Ocean. Current chair of NERC (UK) Cruise Programme Review Group. |