From the total of 6 full proposals submitted to the EUROFLEETS2 “Polar and Subpolar” call 2013, all met the eligibility criteria in terms of requested proposal structure.
All the 6 projects passed the scientific evaluation (“scientific success rate” 100%), of which 3 proposals were selected for funding, representing a success rate of the EUROFLEETS2 “Polar and Subpolar” call is of 50%. The funded proposals will get access to 19 days at sea fully funded by the EC.
Polar and Subpolar call funded cruises:
Cruise name | Lead organisation | Polar and Subpolar vessels |
Timing | Duration (Days) | Cruise Report |
ORCA | Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) | Sanna | 7th – 12th August 2014 | 8 | Report |
OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale) | G.O. Sars | 5th – 15th June 2014 | 11 | Report |
PolarPlastics | Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology | G.O. Sars | Hosted within PREPARED | 2 | Report |
Total funded Days | 19 |