Ifremer, Centre de Méditerranée, Zone Portuaire de Brégaillon, CS20330, 83500 La Seyne sur Mer, France
Depth Rating |
Length |
Width |
Height |
Weight in Air |
Total System Weight |
Payload |
Endurance |
2500m |
2.2m |
1.85m | 2.13m |
1800kg |
1.5T |
220kg |
6 -10 hour |
Technical Detail
The hybrid ROV Ariane is a new generation of remote underwater system operated through an optical fibre link, where energy is supplied by on-board lithium-ion batteries.
Two payload configurations are possible:
- “exploration and sampling” integrating two 5 and 7-function manipulator arms, one basket, one directional camera, sampling tools
- “cartography” including an EM2040 multi-beam echo sounder and a directional camera.
The system design is especially attractive in the following aspects:
– propulsion architecture and navigation system especially designed for work on strong cliffs and canyons;
– high-end payload devices for manipulation, mapping and sampling;
– all major scientific ROV functions in a compact package operated at optimized cost and fast access from 25m+ coastal ships.
Deployments are possible from small vessels without dynamic positioning.
Its propulsive architecture and navigation sensors offer to work on any type of seabed, including very rugged operational areas such as canyons.
HD video, a tilted 24Mp still photo camera with synchronized flash lighting, image are stored in raw format with wide meta-data (view parameters, vehicle navigation data Etc.);
Vacuum fauna sampling, sediment coring, sampling basket;
CTD, ADCP, interfaces for simple scientific sensors;
Kongsberg 2040 multi-beam echo-sounder in vertical, 45° and horizontal orientations, water column recording;
Full software GIS compatibility and data visualization tools.
Possibility of adding sensors or specialised tools.
2 electric manipulators with respectively 5 and 7 functions
ROV Ariane can be operated in tele-operated mode (ROV), via a light optic fibre cable deployed from a depressor or a cage. This tether management system allows the vehicle to operate from vessels without dynamic positioning. It can also be operated in autonomous mode (AUV), with an optional acoustic communication link.
The HROV Ariane is based in Ifremer’s Toulon facilities. Technical infrastructure, test tanks, and access to a controlled harbour basin (150m x 300m) gives strong potential for integration work and harbour trials preceding sea-trials.
Access will be structured by 3 to 5-day integration & harbour trials, and sea-trials on Ifremer or opportunity ships.
For the vehicle operation itself a team of 3 operators is provided, one engineer is provided for the specific technological aim.
A primer training for operations with the deep-sea medium size HROV is included in the harbour trials. Office space close to the test facilities is made available.
Equipment transportation costs up to a maximum amount will be covered by Eurofleets+. Users should contact EurofleetsPlus@marine.ie prior to submitting an application to ensure shipment costs to and from their location are covered.
The integration of experimental third party or partner equipment in terms of mechanical, electrical or computer engineering can be conducted in cooperation with Ifremer’s engineering teams.
Contact Details
Applicants are welcomed to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application with the operator of HROV ARIANE at laurent.artzner@ifremer.fr
Please indicate any clearances required for area or type of activity?
ISPS access control is applied on the Ifremer – Mediterannean Center il Toulon-France
Infrastructure availability by year/time of year for EF+:
Year |
Availability by Month |
Not available |
2020 |
According to fleet programming |
June, August, 3-5th November |
2021 |
According to fleet programming |
2022 |
According to fleet programming |
Technical specification documents:
ROV Ariane Technical Spec (2.2 MiB)