T4.1. Preparation of Access Programmes and Systems |
T4.2. Scientific and logistic evaluation of proposals |
T4.3 Follow-up of funded Access Projects |
T4.4 Scientific data management |
The overall aim of WP4 is to facilitate the transnational access by researchers to the Eurofleets+ vessels and marine equipment (see WP2) through robust management of the Call Management and Proposal Evaluation processes. There will be a minimum of two Calls for Proposals open to all European and international researchers, from academic and non-academic organisations, for three different access programmes. One of the key priorities is to support research on sustainable, clean and healthy oceans, linking with existing ocean observation infrastructures and opening up the infrastructure to a large number of user groups.
The objectives of WP4 are to:
- Prepare three different Eurofleets+ Access Programmes for users, covering a broad span of European and international seas and oceans, and offering a significant range of marine research infrastructure.
- Launch a minimum of two phased Calls for proposals for the three Access Programmes to attract researchers from different disciplines, sectors, and countries, with special measures for specific user groups.
- Establish User Selection Panels to conduct the scientific and logistical evaluation of the Eurofleets+ submitted proposals through a monitored, transparent, fair, and impartial peer review procedure with defined selection criteria.
- Follow up and evaluate the granted projects from cruise implementation to cruise report approval.
- Optimise management of scientific data collected, processed and/or generated in Eurofleets+ funded cruises.
D4.1: Definition of the Eurofleets+ Access Programme (M2) (AWI)
D4.2: Overview of interoperability between Eurofleets+ RVs and the offered marine equipment (M3) MI
D4.3: Call documentation for the SEA Programme; Co-PI Programme; and RTA Programme (M4) (AWI)
D4.4: Handbook on cruise prerequisites to access Eurofleets+ RVs (M6) MI.
D4.5: Selection report 1 – SEA Programme; Co-PI Programme; and RTA Programme (M12) (AWI)
D4.6: Selection report 2 – SEA Programme; Co-PI Programme; and RTA Programme (M30) (AWI)
D4.7: Performance evaluation: satisfaction survey of the call for proposals (M36) (TUT)
D4.8: Performance evaluation: satisfaction survey of the research cruises (M48) (AWI)
D4.9: Report on cruise implementation, post cruise assessment and lessons learned (M48). (AWI)
D4.10: Data management plan template for funded cruises (M4) RBINS
D4.11: Data management plan tool (customized DMPonline) (M6) RBINS
D4.12: Data handling chain setup (M8) RBINS
D4.13: Data management follow-up report for funded cruises. M18. RBINS
D4.14. Data management follow-up report for funded cruises. M36. RBINS
D4.15: Synthesis of the data management follow-up reports, lessons learned and recommendations (M48) AWI