Lead: OGS
Science is moving towards using e-infrastructures with cloud computing and analytical applications for data intensive research and for generating new data products and new knowledge. It is planned to develop a ‘virtual playground’ as part of the EVIOR portal to facilitate virtual access and make scientists more aware, curious and interested about using such tools and methods. These will be tested and analysed so that teams/communities of scientists can work together interacting with the data (viewing, analysing, annotating) and communicating and discussing (messaging, forums, posting) with other members of teams and communities. This is likely to trigger more insights in the acquired data and support better science. We will focus initially on researchers participating in the Eurofleets+ cruises and the meta (data) as collected during these cruises. This experience will incentivise researchers to see the benefits of the Open Data and Open Science strategy, thus contributing to acceptance and possible wider adoption. The activity will have synergy with the Virtual Research Environment (VRE) developments that are taking place in SeaDataCloud, ODIP, LifeWatch and a few EMODnet lots and as planned for EOSC and the Blue Cloud Initiative. The Task will also tune with TASK 3.1.4 concerning near-real-time e-access to collected data sets for annotations, quality control, rescheduling of observations, and zooming in on specific locations for a closer look and more observations.
Step 1: specification of the virtual playground needs (M18 – M24)
Step 2: design of architecture and modules (M25 – M30)
Step 3: trials of possible tools and connection with the EVIOR portal (M31 – M40)
The activities will be led by OGS with contributions of selected other partners, that will also bring in experiences from SeaDataCloud, EMODnet, ODIP and cooperation with the Schmidt Ocean Institute (USA).