T3.1.1 Reviewing and upgrading the design and functionality of the EVIOR portal

T3.1.1 Reviewing and upgrading the design and functionality of the EVIOR portal
T3.1.2 Reviewing and upgrading the suite of shipboard software components
T3.1.3 Outfitting the Eurofleets+ fleet
T3.1.4: Developing a “virtual playground” as part of the EVIOR portal
T3.1.5: Optimizing solutions for telepresence and real-time data transfer (e-access)
T3.1.6 Processing of en route data from research vessels


This task focuses on the EVIOR Portal that will receive and publish data streams.

The EVIOR portal will provide access to both archived and near-real-time metadata and data from the research vessels and the Eurofleets+ TA cruises. Data will be derived from European research vessel operators and chief scientists and concerns European overviews of Cruise Programs, Cruise Summary Reports, Research Vessels and Large Exchangeable Equipment. Other data will be derived automatically from the shipboard data management system (see T3.1.2) and concerns Eurofleets+ TA historic cruise tracks on map and in tables with position, speed and bearings, Eurofleets+ TA Cruise Summary Reports, Events, archives of collected cruise metadata and data, – both from shipborne equipment and from processed samples -, in tables and in graphics, links to related publications; last days tracks, underway data and 24 hours SSR bulletins from sailing research vessels. The workflow is as follows:

Step 1: Review the existing EVIOR portal and design new concept and specifications for functionality and interfaces (M1 – M4).

Step 2: Implement the initially enhanced EVIOR portal for selected functionality and modules (M3 – M8).

Step 3: Expand the functionality of the EVIOR portal following the results of T3.1.2 (M20 – M28).

Step 4: Further extend functionality of the EVIOR portal following the results of T3.1.3 and T3.1.4 (M30 – M42).

The majority of the activities will be executed by MARIS as developer and manager of the EVIOR portal, tuning with other tasks for connections and all partners in JRA3.1 for suggestions and refining. The EVIOR portal will be integrated in the new Eurofleets+ website to be developed and operated by Blue Lobster. Therefore, MARIS and Blue Lobster will tune styling and integration.

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