The 2nd International Stakeholder Workshop: Synergies with the Atlantic Mapping program, was held online on the 26th September 2022

EMSO ERIC led the second Eurofleets International Stakeholder Workshop which took place virtually in September. The event entitled “Synergies with the Atlantic Mapping program” and linking with AORA, EMODnet bathymetry and Belém statement”.

The workshop aimed at promoting synergies with the Atlantic Mapping program linking with AORA, EMODnet bathymetry and Belém statement.
In particular, the workshop contributed to:

  • strengthening synergies with Atlantic Mapping programmes and the research vessel community;
  • best connect with Atlantic Programmes such as Mission Atlantic, EMODnet Bathymetry and other Benthic Mapping stakeholders, including industry;
  • discuss how to facilitate access to bathymetric data (EMODnet) and support all scientific stakeholders towards a reliable access to an Open Science System (EOSC).

The event was structured over two sessions: the first session consisted of four presentations where the speakers presented the seafloor mapping activities and challenges in which they were involved, while the second session was mainly based on brainstorming exercises to explore better cooperation. The event was preceded by a short introductory presentation of the EUROFLEETS+ project and the expected outcomes of the workshop. At the end of the event the EUROFLEETS+ coordinator summed up the workshop outcomes and conclusions.
In the first session, the invited speakers represented the mapping community, at European and International levels; every speaker brought some specificities and underlined different aspects of seabed mapping activities.
In the second session, the participants had the opportunity to discuss through a creative thinking technique during a brainstorming exercise.

Reads the full delivered here

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