9th EuroGOOS International Conference Proceedings released

Held every three years, the EuroGOOS international conferences are milestone events for operational oceanography. The event aims to assess current ocean monitoring and forecasting capacities, address challenges, and identify new science and technology priorities. It fosters dialogue, experience sharing, and future planning with both European and international partners and stakeholders, towards a more coordinated response to societal needs related to the ocean.

The 9th EuroGOOS International Conference – titled ‘Advances in operational oceanography: Expanding Europe’s ocean observing and forecasting capacity’ – took place virtually on 3-5 May 2021. The event was a resounding success and brought together 450 participants from 45 countries to engage on a wide range of operational oceanography themes and topics. A total of 90 scientific presentations were given in parallel sessions and 22 posters presented, while international speakers shared their insights on coordination, governance, and impact across five plenary sessions. The EuroGOOS Conference was co-organized by the offices of EuroGOOS, Ifremer, and SHOM.

Download the 9th EuroGOOS International Conference Proceedings here.

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