The EVIOR platform is a product form the earlier EUROFLEETS initiatives. As part of the EUROFLEETS+ project it has been decided to continue and upgrade the following existing components:
- Research Vessel Cruise Programme database, containing planned cruises per research vessel and owner / operator;
- Research Vessel database, containing characteristics of each research vessel, owner / operator details and, if available, a link to the ship’s web page;
- Cruise Summary Reports (CSR) database, containing details of completed cruises and providing a first level inventory of oceanographic measurements made and samples taken during the cruises;
- Dynamic Vessel Tracking & Events System, giving dynamic charts of sailing tracks of selected RVs with position, speed, and bearing as well as 24-hour Ship Summary Reports (SSR).
In the new structure will be maintaining the same functionality for the first 3 components with updates. While for the 4th component, it is planned to expand the functionality to include Near Real-Time info from vessels while sailing and to collect input from most vessels in the Eurofleets+ fleet. The latter is part of the Eurofleets+ data management approach to deploy the EARS system at as many Eurofleets research vessels as possible in order to receive underway data on sailing tracks and from fixed instruments aboard the vessels.
In a later stage, the EVIOR platform will be expanded with an extra component:
- EUROFLEETS+ Data Sets Catalogue, to provide an up-to-date overview of EUROFLEETS+ TA funded cruises and dynamic links to relevant information for each of the cruises, such as cruise plan, sailing tracks, and en-route information.