EUROFLEETS Public Deliverables available for consultation here
D3.1 – Status and foreseeable evolution of the European and International Polar Research Fleets & Equipment
This deliverable contains an overview of the available technical information and the on board equipment for the Polar Research Vessels (heavy icebreakers and ice classified vessels) operating at both Poles (Arctic and Antarctic) on an international level. It also discusses how these vessels can be accessed by scientists and finally it gives an overview on the foreseeable evolution of the Polar Research Fleet from January 2014 on. This scenario points to where efforts should be made to maintain the competitiveness of European polar research, through more and better cooperation within the European Union.
D5.1 – Call definition of Regional 1 Call, Super Integration and Embarked Equipment
This deliverable describes the central documents of the calls such as the “Guidelines for Applicants”, describing the terms and conditions of funding for ship-time, the application procedure, the evaluation process as well as the evaluation criteria, and the actual “Ship-time application”. The submission of proposals is made through the Pt-Outline system, operated by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR).
D5.2 – Definition of Regional 2 Call (Medit. Sea, Northern Atlantic, others) and Embarked Equipment
This deliverable describes the central documents of the call such as the “Guidelines for Applicants”, describing the terms and conditions of funding for ship-time, the application procedure, the evaluation process as well as the evaluation criteria, and the actual “Ship-time application”. The submission of proposals is made through the Pt-Outline system, operated by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR).
D5.3 – Selection report for “Regional 1- Polar
and Subpolar Call”, “Super-Integration”
and “Embarked Equipment”
This deliverable describes step by step the evaluation procedure, from the reception of the proposal until the negotiation phase if the proposal is successful. The deliverable also discusses each of the calls results in terms of RV applications and nationality of applicants.